In case you haven't heard, this week is the National Women's Health Week!
It's almost over, but it's never too late to make a pledge to yourself to become healthier!
I myself have pledged 2 things:
- Pay attention to my mental health
- Get active
I hope to pay more attention to my mental health by getting more sleep and by trying to better manage my stress.
The sleep one is probably going to be especially difficult for me, since I've got moderate insomnia and usually only get about 4.5 hours a night. Sleeping more is going to really throw off my schedule. But that should, in the end, help with the managing stress thing!
I'm also going to be constantly reminding myself that I cannot possible do everything and that is okay. I'm going to make a manageable to do list and if, somehow it does not get done, I will remind myself that it is not the end of the world!
As for the get active part, that's going to be quite a struggle. I'm not going to lie to you: I'm pretty lazy. I used to do at least 10 minutes of blogilates every morning, but it's been a while. And I tried to running thing, but I'm not really a fan.
But I'm going to try it again (okay, maybe I'm going to try walking first.)
I've downloaded the Couch-to-5k app from RunDouble, I have my alarm set for my usual 5am, and I am more motivated than ever!
I want to look good in my bikini for my cruise in July (Eeek, so excited!) and so I'd like to lose at least 5 pounds. I have 2 months and some determination, so I know that I can DO THIS!
And the two pledges/goals will apparently help each other out, too!
I've been told that getting regular exercise actual reduces stress levels AND can help you sleep better, so I'm excited! And sleeping obviously helps build energy for exercise, so there's that.
Let's just say that I am super excited about these pledges I've made and the changes I am making in my life! I can't wait to see what I can do and the person I can become.
Has anyone else made a pledge for Women's Health Week? Or just a general goal you've set for yourself? I'd love to hear about it, and it would be absolutely fabulous to get some inspiration!!
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