Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Liebster Award!

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Gwendolyn over at Lavender Mud!

The Award
The Liebster Award is an award given to new bloggers as a way to recognize them and to discover other new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere.

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers.
6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7. List these rules in your post
8. Inform the blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)

The Q&A
1. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Eclectic, energetic, and eccentric (The fact that all 3 start with an 'E' is completely unintentional, I swear!)

2. What is your favorite way to unwind?
I love to take a hot bath a curl up with a good book! (Currently reading I've Got Your Number by Sophia Kinsella!)

3. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Move to New York and fill my wardrobe with Kate Spade! If there's anything left, maybe I'll save it.

4. If you could have lunch with anyone (alive or dead) who would be be and why?
Idina Menzel: She's my idol. If I could be her, I would, but I'll settle for eating lunch with her!
Audrey Hepburn: She was a talented, beautiful, and wonderful human being. Basically everything she did with her life was inspirational.
Darren Criss: I have been inspired by Darren Criss since I first saw him in AVPM and he continues to amaze me. And of course, if lunch led to a marriage proposal, I wouldn't say no.

5. What's on your summer bucket list?
Find a job! That is literally the only thing on my mind right now!!

6. What is your favorite song of the moment?
This is a really hard one for me, since I go through songs faster than anything. Right now, I guess I'm loving Find My Way from Legally Blonde the Musical because it's reminding me that everything will work out the way it needs to.

7. What is your favorite book and why?
I'm gonna do favorite series, because it's too difficult for me to pick a favorite book! I love the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin (aka Game of Thrones for all of you HBOers) It has action, revenge, love, lust, everything. It's also particularly nerdy, which I love.

8. What one piece in your wardrobe can you not live without?
This is really tough, but I'm going to have to say my "sailor shorts." I mean, they're comfy and adorable, plus they're perfect for basically any summer vacation, especially cruises. They are great for cruises.

Me, my shorts, and Grand Turk! 
Ignore my horrible posture, please.

9. What is your favorite snack?
A bag of Munchos and a Mountain Dew. It's probably going to lead me to an early grave in an over-sized casket, but it's worth it.

10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why.
New York City. Because it's New York City. I love fast-paced life and big cities and Broadway and cute restaurants and basically everything about NYC. Well, everything except for the winter, but we all have to make sacrifices.

11. What is your favorite thing about blogging? The worst?
My favorite thing about blogging is being able to talk about whatever I want and occasionally there is actually someone there who feels the same way!
What I'm not a fan of isn't really blogging; it's me. I have the attention span of a small rodent, so sometimes I forget to post and I get kind of stressed out about it!!

The Facts
1. I just graduated from Winthrop University with my B.S. in Business Administration (Concentration in Marketing and Minor in Visual Design Studies!)
2. I love pepperoni pizza.
3. I want to perform in a Broadway musical.
4. My favorite TV shows are Doctor Who and Game of Thrones.
5. My favorite color is green.
6. I've been to more foreign countries than I have states.
7. I wake up every day at 5 am.
8. I am an alumna of Chi Omega women's fraternity
9. I was born and raised in the South, but I don't have an accent
11. I read at least one book a month

The Nominations
1. Kylie at dress in sparkles
2. Alyssa at from campus with love
3. Deanna at Designing Gal
4. Elyssa at Miss Manhattan
5. Miranda at Mermade Moments
6. Allison at allisonleighann
7. Amy at Champagne and Pearls
8. Brittany at Peanut Butter and Nutella Sandwich
9. Annie at A College Confession
10. Liza at Classy and Curly
11. That University Girl

The Questions
1. What one word best describes you?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. Who is your blogging inspiration?
4. Cats or dogs?
5. Favorite memory of 2014 so far?
6. What's your dream job?
7. What is your favorite way to spend your leisure time?
8. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
9. Who is your celeb crush?
10. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
11. Do you have any special talents?

Make sure you check out Lavender Mud as well as all of the blogs that I've nominated! They're such fabulous blogs, so if you don't you'll seriously be missing out!


  1. Thanks for the nomination!!

  2. I hope you had as much fun with this as I did. Thanks for taking the time to continue the Liebster Award! I look forward to more posts from you as well.
